The deployment of DVI’s solution will contribute to energy efficiency goals for publicly-owned utilities in California.

The technology is anticipated to deliver 2% to 4% energy savings while using the current smart grid infrastructure.

DVI, a subsidiary of Dominion Resources, said EDGE integrates into a utility’s existing IT infrastructure and can obtain voltage readings from the current AMI system.

GW&P general manager Steve Zurn said the City of Glendale is committed to delivering energy savings to customers by utilizing the existing AMI infrastructure it has already invested in.

"DVI’s patented approach to effectively plan, manage, and validate energy savings is the ideal solution for a new energy efficiency program at GW&P. Pending a successful pilot, we look forward to adopting this as part of our overall energy efficiency portfolio," Zurn added.

DVI executive director Todd Headlee said the California public power market has led the nation in energy efficiency programs since the 1970’s.

"Grid-side voltage optimization is the logical next step, because many of the traditional energy efficiency savings have already been realized," Headlee added.

DVI noted that EDGE optimizes the utilities’ field devices by issuing commands over an existing wide area network to increase the distribution system voltage.