The last refueling outage for Unit 1 was completed in spring 2012. Each unit at Plant Hatch requires new fuel every 24 months. In addition to refueling the reactor and performing regular maintenance and testing, workers will make upgrades to plant systems and components.

"Safety is our number one focus and priority during the outage," said Plant Hatch Vice President David Vineyard. "The key to a safe and successful outage is our outstanding employees and supporting partners. I am proud of the preparations we have made and our entire team is ready to accomplish this refueling outage safely using our expertise and teamwork."

Employees from across the Southern Nuclear fleet are assisting Plant Hatch’s staff of more than 900 in the refueling effort. More than 800 additional workers from General Electric, Williams and other partners are on site performing specialized tasks. This supplemental workforce provides economic stimulus to surrounding communities during the planning stages and throughout the outage.

Plant Hatch Unit 2 will continue to safely generate electricity while Unit 1 is offline and refueling.