Behr, born in 1948, is an honorary professor at the University of St. Gallen.

He was previously a member of the Hilti orporation board of directors from 1993 – 2007. The board generally has seven members, whereby a maximum of three Board Members should concurrently serve as Trustees of the Martin Hilti Family Trust (the sole shareholder of the Hilti Corporation). This ensures the proximity of the Family Trust to the Hilti Corporation, in particular the continuity of Trust representation within the board of directors. Behr has been a Trustee in the Martin Hilti Family Trust since the beginning of 2008. Together with Dr. Michael Jakobi, named a Trustee at the Family Trust meeting of December 5, 2008, and Michael Hilti, there are once again three Trustees on the Hilti board of directors.

The board of directors of the Hilti is led by chairman Pius Baschera (Zurich, CH) and is now composed of the following members: Michael Hilti (Schaan, FL),

Prof. Dr. Giorgio Behr (Buchberg, CH), Heinrich Fischer (Rüschlikon, CH), Ewald H. Hoelker (Vaduz, FL), Dr. Michael Jacobi (Binningen, CH), Dr. Tis Prager (Zumikon, CH) and Jakob (Jack) Schmuckli (Stäfa, CH).