Although we have not yet posted the bid manuals and specifications, please refer to the item names and the outlines of these items described below.

We plan to post the official bid manuals and specifications on the HGNE website (in Japanese). The official bid manuals and specifications are posted in Japanese and the English summary version of specifications are attached as reference. For this bid it shall be applied by Japanese subsidiary, and the documents shall be submitted in Japanese only.
(1) Item name: Investigation of dry storage of TMI-2 fuel debris.

For the purpose of the development of the fuel debris can, dry storage of the fuel debris of Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant Unit No.2 (TMI-2) will be investigated. In the investigation, important information that should be considered in the fuel debris can development will be collected and organized (based on public information). Information about the procedure and methods of transition from wet storage to dry storage in Idaho National Laboratory and related tests required to the transition are important and will be included in the investigation.

(2) Item name: Investigation of dry storage of spent fuel by the concrete cask storage system in the United States.

For the purpose of the development of the fuel debris can, dry storage of spent fuel with the concrete cask storage system in the United States will be investigated. In the investigation, information about the methods of the cask anchoring and the underground storage system will be collected and organized (based on public information). Experience of damaged fuel storage is important information and will also be investigated.