The licenses are located towards the eastern edge of the Tim Mersoi Basin, west of the Arlit fault and Areva’s Somair and Cominak uranium mining complexes in and around the city of Arlit.

Several surveys were completed over the past two years, including airborne magnetics and radiometrics over the Asekra block, along with radon cup, mobile metal ion (MMI) over both license blocks, limited ground radiometrics and geological mapping and satellite imagery acquired and processed over the entire property and surrounding area. Over 90 historical drill holes were geographically registered, digitized and incorporated into the company’s data base, the company said.

The most significant multi-parameter anomaly, Asekra Target One, has been delineated on the Asekra concession. This target area strikes for more than 20km and is up to 8km in width, and comprises a large stratabound anomaly cluster within an uplifted, fault-bounded block of Tchirezrine II Formation rocks at surface and in shallow subcrop.

The target is defined by coincident radon anomalies, MMI including uranium, molybdenum and other element anomalies along with a pronounced airborne radiometric anomaly coincident with the northern block-bounding fault.

The company believes that this combination of coincident geochemical and geophysical anomalies overlying key uranium host geology and structure, and covering such an extensive area, renders this target area quite significant.

Homeland’s generative work has also led to the delineation of four additional target areas that warrant follow up work. The next Asekra Target Two, is located 50km south of Asekra Target One. This target area is somewhat narrower, up to 3-5km wide and at least 20km long, characterized by coincident radon and MMI anomaly clusters in turn coincident with a pronounced airborne radiometric anomaly that runs the full width of the southernmost Asekra license along the lineament fault.

Shallow Cretaceous rocks overlie Upper Jurassic Tchirezrine II rocks in this area, which lies roughly 30km north of the Chinese owned and operated Abkorum uranium deposit, which occurs along a similar, parallel west-southwest trending fault.

Follow up field programs to map and sample these areas at surface are currently in the final planning stages, along with a first phase drill program to test the numerous discrete drill targets that will be generated from this work.