Honeywell UOP will supply naphtha hydrotreating process, CCR platforming process, extractive distillation (ED) sulfolane process, tatoray process, parex process, isomar process and par-Isom process.

In addition to the technologies, UOP will provide basic engineering, commissioning services, training services, equipment, catalysts and adsorbents for the new complex.

The new complex will feature an aromatics complex designed by Honeywell UOP to facilitate conversion of heavy naphtha into 800,000 metric tons a year of high-purity para-xylene, a primary component for making synthetic fibers, packaging and plastics.

Honeywell UOP process technology and equipment business vice-president and general manager Mike Millard said: "UOP’s next-generation aromatics technology combines the latest catalysts and adsorbents with an energy-efficient design to reduce energy consumption by as much as 20%, helping achieve the lowest cost of operation for para-xylene producers in the industry."

Scheduled to enter service in 2018, the facility will also produce 520,000 metric tons of gasoline and 200,000 metric tons of benzene anually.