Hydrogenics has also marked a progress with its Rampini Fuel Cell bus project, currently planned to be commissioned in May 2009 in Gladbeck, Germany. The bus, developed on the Rampini ZEV platform of Italy, is around double the size of a fore-mentioned MidiBus and can hold over 40 passengers. Additional models are projected to be ready for procurement after appropriate testing is complete.

Similar to the increasing traction we are seeing in North America with fuel-cell powered buses, our strong, longstanding operations in Europe continue to move forward with bus rollouts as demand for clean transportation alternatives increases, said Daryl Wilson, president and CEO. The latest two MidiBuses also have a new combined heat and power (CHP) feature that captures the heat generated by our fuel cells to warm passengers during the cold winter months. As the operating fleet grows via programs such as these, so too does our reputation for providing reliable, year-round power particularly under demanding conditions. Hydrogenics’ HyPM technology has demonstrated it can provide both clean energy and low service costs compared to battery-only solutions over the long term – validating the performance and maintainability of our designs.