This is the third Proterra EcoRide transit bus that will utilize Hydrogenics’ fuel cell power modules. Separately, Hydrogenics will soon begin building two HyPM HD 16 units for a zero-emission EVAmerica, LLC Ecobus transit bus project to be demonstrated in Birmingham, Alabama. This initiative, supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration to the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), is led by a UAB research team and also coordinated by CTE. The EVAmerica bus will be operated by the Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority (BJCTA) and service the UAB campus as well as metropolitan Birmingham.

“We are pleased to note further progress within the fuel cell bus market,” said Daryl Wilson, president and chief executive officer. “Our reputation is paving the way for more orders in North America, and we are truly becoming the power module vendor of choice for bus manufacturers such as Proterra. These awards strengthen our position for future contracts, as stimulus dollars across the globe continue to target clean energy solutions leveraging the power of hydrogen.”

Proterra, previously known as Mobile Energy Solutions, LLC, is a US-based manufacturer of battery dominant hybrid- and battery-electric drive solutions and complete vehicles.