Technal is one of the suppliers of aluminium building systems in Spain, mainly among architects.


The company distributed at Construmat its first sales catalog featuring these energy-efficient systems. The brochure includes general information about photovoltaics, building regulations, product solutions and the effects of such solutions, also financially.

Visitors to the Technal booth, and to Construmat’s Casa Barcelona exhibit, also received insight into the new solar simulation tool that architects and developers can utilize in designing more energy-efficient buildings.

In fact, Technal-brand systems with integrated photovoltaics were well displayed at the new edition of Casa Barcelona – Construmat’s showcase for architectural trends and concepts.

Casa Barcelona presented ideas on how to rehabilitate buildings in sustainable fashion, with internationally known architects Sauerbruch-Hutton, Carme Pinos, Xavier Claramunt and Andres Jaque each delivering individual sections for the 300-square-meter pavilion.

Three of the four modules used the Technal systems.

We had a good flow of people, mainly architects, the key market group for Technal in Spain, says Jean Francois Cavalie, who is responsible for Hydro’s aluminium building systems activities in Spain and in Portugal.

In general, the market is quiet. Still, we are optimistic. We are working on opportunities together with our customers, and this is one of the leading building markets in Europe in several respects, including design. We are looking ahead with confidence.