The clean energy unit of the Iberdrola utility group reportedly chose Eozen for its synchronous turbines, which meet the most exacting standards with relation to grid voltage faults. These turbines are said to cost less to maintain, and their efficiency lowers electricity generation costs.

Iberdrola Renovables said that, from an environmental perspective, the Eozen wind turbines are particularly clean. Since they do not use gearboxes, they require no lubricating oil. The Eozen wind turbines are passively air-cooled and do not require a refrigerant fluid.

Once operational, the 10 turbines with a total capacity of 15MW will produce electricity in a year that replaces 3,225 tonnes of petroleum equivalent and spares the atmosphere from emissions of 22,500 tonnes of CO2.

Eozen’s technology reportedly enables it to manufacture synchronous turbines with permanent magnets, working directly at rotor speed, with a capacity of 1.5MW. The turbines will be built at the company’s plant in Ferreira, in the El Marquesado district of the Spanish province of Granada.