The new rates are related only to the costs that ComEd incurs to deliver electricity to its customers. This increase will raise the average residential customer’s monthly bill by approximately $4.50 on an average $81 monthly bill, according to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC).

ComEd has not yet received an ICC order for its rate increase request and will need to evaluate it in its entirety, as well as its impact on customers and the company.

ComEd’s request for a rate increase was made in response to higher costs to modernize and maintain system reliability. The cost increases are reportedly being driven by increased demand, and increased material costs for system infrastructure improvements.

Anne Pramaggiore, executive vice president of customer operations, regulatory and external affairs at ComEd, said: While ComEd is committed to keeping rates as low as possible, we are also committed to providing our 3.8 million customers with reliable service. This increase is necessary to respond to higher infrastructure improvement costs and to support growing demand.