Benchmark has also been informed that additional fracturing treatments utilizing Excelyte are planned for later this month in other areas of the US. To date, approximately one-half million gallons of Excelyte have been manufactured for use in oil and gas applications.

The Marcellus shale treatment, begun in mid-February and continued through mid-March, required 175,000 gallons of Excelyte to be available to cover the multi-stage treatment required to hydraulic fracture stimulate the well. Water quality fluctuated during the course of the job, requiring Excelyte to be used at loadings ranging from eight to 25 gallons of Excelyte per 1,000 gallons of fracture water used at the location.

Total Excelyte comprised as little as about 2% of the total fluid pumped into the well. The Excelyte used in this treatment was manufactured by Benchmark at its Midland, Texas facility. Benchmark’s trucking company, benchmark distribution services, provided the transportation logistics and personnel to support the month-long job.

The primary use of Excelyte is to eliminate bacteria in water employed in oil and gas wells. Bacteria are often responsible for pipe corrosion problems and for the creation of hazardous hydrogen sulfide gas. By eliminating these problem-bacteria from water used to treat wells, operators can mitigate potential damage to their wells.

Bill Prince, chairman of IET, said: “We are impressed. Benchmark continues to demonstrate the potential for Excelyte in oil and gas well applications at a time when more and more pressure is coming to bear on that industry to provide safer, more environmentally-responsible ways to fracture wells.”