The well was spudded on June 11 and is expected to produce gas from a lateral in the Great Row seam, which is at a depth of approximately 1,757ft from the surface and is around 11ft thick.

Following completion of the well and de-watering, a long term production test will be carried out using IGas’ production testing equipment, the company said.

According to IGas, testing the nearby Willoughbridge well, 5.5 miles to the south-west, has earlier shown encouraging results in relation to the permeability of the coals in the area.

Andrew Austin, CEO of IGas, said: “These licenses in Staffordshire have always been an area of great interest to IGas and we look forward to seeing the productive capacity of these coals. Increased concerns over security of energy supply and the harshest winter for some 40 years in the UK has highlighted the need for the UK to produce more of its own gas resources.

“IGas has the funding, the know-how and the resource base to deliver secure gas commercially to industrial customers in the UK. We are on track to establish our first full UK gas production site in 2011.”