Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, together with Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, have finished negotiations for the Administrative Arrangement between Canada and India that will allow the implementation of the Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA), signed between the two countries in June 2010

“Our Government is committed to promoting greater trade and investment with India,” said Harper. “The conclusion of the Administrative Arrangement with India will facilitate opportunities for Canadian companies to play a greater role in meeting India’s growing energy needs. It is expected to generate millions of dollars in new business contracts between our countries and to create high-quality new jobs here at home.”

The Nuclear Cooperation Agreement – together with the Administrative Arrangement through which it will be implemented – will allow Canadian firms to export and import controlled nuclear materials, equipment and technology to and from India to facilities under safeguards applied by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

It will see the establishment of a new Canadian-Indian joint committee to ensure ongoing discussions and information sharing on nuclear research and development, safety, and next generation nuclear facilities.

“Canada, with its large and high-quality reserves of uranium, could become an important supplier to India’s nuclear power programme,” the prime ministers recognized in a joint-statement.

The Administrative Agreement now needs to be signed by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and India’s Department of Atomic Energy before the two governments can bring the nuclear cooperation into force.