India’s Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, has officially dedicated two new hydropower projects with a total capacity of 89MW developed by the National Hydro Power Corporation (NHPC) in Jammu & Kashmir.

The commissioning of the 44MW Chutak and the 45MW Nimoo Bazgo are helping to meet the power requirements of the Ladakh region in J&K, the Prime Minister said.

The Chutak project is a run-off-river scheme on the river Suru featuring 4 x 11MW units. It utilizes a rated head of 52m created by of a 15m high barrage and includes a 4.78km long 5.9m diameter headrace tunnel.

Power generated from Project is being supplied to Kargil District of the Ladakh region. The 1st unit was commissioned in November 2012 with the final unit commissioned in February 2013.

Upon dedicated the Nimoo Bazgo station, the Prime Minister complemented NHPC for completing the hydroelectric project in tough terrain and said the power station is not only lighting the region but also contributing to safeguarding the environment by generating clean power

NHPC is one of the major developers of hydroelectric projects in the country. A total installed capacity of 6507 MW is under operation, which includes two projects with a total installed capacity of 1520MW developed in Joint Venture. There are four projects (3290 MW) under construction.