The spectrophotometer testing of new translucent Nansulate Greenhouse product is to measure light transmission and the absorbance via thermally insulating and mold resistant coating. The data shows that the new Nansulate does not interfere with the significant visible light required for healthy plant growth, while providing effective thermal insulation benefits to decrease the energy required maintaining optimal temperatures in greenhouses, therefore drastically decreasing operating expenses.

The test was completed by the Princeton Polymer Laboratories on a Beckman DU 600 full scanning UV spectrophotometer. The results of the test showed that in the 400-700 nanometer wavelength range, which is critical to the plant growth, it enabled 92% of visible light to pass through. In comparison, normal paned glass enables 90% to 94% of visible light to pass through.

“Nansulate has unique benefits to offer the greenhouse agricultural industry,” said Francesca Crolley, vice president of operations and marketing for Industrial Nanotech. “Our coatings provide excellent thermal insulation, as well as resistance to mold and fungus growth. Verification of the light transmission was the last piece of data we needed before offering this important solution to this essential industry. Our cost comparison analysis with insulation products that are currently being used in this industry show that not only can we offer a superior product for light transmission and thermal insulation, but at a very competitive cost. Our new greenhouse coating, NANSULATE GREENHOUSE, can be easily and quickly applied with a conventional paint sprayer or brush, costs about 37 cents per square foot for the recommended 3-coat application, and will last for a decade. In comparison, bubble insulation commonly used for greenhouses costs about 50 cents per square foot when you include the hardware needed to mount it (clips, Tek screws, adhesive spray) and is reported to last from three to four years. Nansulate offers an effective way for growers to use less energy heating their greenhouses, while allowing the necessary visible light for plant growth to pass through. It is an excellent and cost effective solution for this industry.”

The estimates show that over 80% of energy used for the greenhouses goes toward heating. In northern climates, energy for heating the greenhouses is a major expense. For the commercial growers, energy costs represent the third-largest expense after the labor and stock.

The commercial greenhouse growers market is divided between the food/vegetable growers and the flower growers, or floriculture. Floriculture is a $10 billion component of US economy. Worldwide, 145 countries are involved in the greenhouse flower production. Wholesale value of the world floriculture industry was $101.84 billion in 2003 and is increasing at about 11% to 15% per year. The greenhouse food crops grown commercially incorporate tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, cucumbers, eggplant, and various others.