The DST procedure on the Antelope-3 well tested natural gas and condensate. The well flowed with a maximum gas rate of 44.8 million cubic feet of gas per day (MMCFD) with a flowing tubing pressure of 2,331 psi.

The well also flowed 10.4 to 14.9 barrels of condensate per million cubic feet through a 64/64" choke.

Analysis of the gas composition from the Antelope-3 well is similar to that of Antleope-1 and Antelope-2, the firm said.

InterOil Corporation Exploration general manager David Holland said the reservoir has exceed the company’s expectations and confirmed the continuity of highly productive reservoir at the well.

"We are encouraged by the similarities to the Antelope-2 well with extended lateral development of this upper limestone unit," Holland added.

Antelope-3 well was drilled to the current depth of 1,800m where the reservoir is comprised of limestone and minor dolomite much alike the upper limestone reservoir observed in the uppermost Antelope-2 well.