The well flowed and flared hydrocarbons at surface following testing over an interval of about 320m of Kapau limestone, the upper section of the target reservoir.

Additionally, the seismic mapping, wireline logging and testing results determined that the well is near to the gas-water contact in the transition zone.

The seismic mapping, recently acquired, also indicates the structure crest lies several kilometers west of the current well location and is several hundred meters higher than the current well depth, the company said.

InterOil has declared a total depth of 3,207m for the exploration well and the future appraisal will include additional seismic and drilling.

The company is planning to deepen the well to appraise reservoir quality, as the first part of the appraisal program.

InterOil is the operator and holds a 78.1114% interest in the well, which is located about 30km north-west of Elk-Antelope, while the remaining is owned by minority interests.

InterOil owns assets including undeveloped gas fields and exploration licenses.