The prequalification document will be available for downloading from SNC Lavalin’s project website, starting 30 April 2012:

Completed applications for prequalification must be submitted no later than 30 May 2012.

The scope of work includes:

• Construction of the powerhouse and the intake which includes concreting, steel structure, embedment parts and miscellaneous metals as well as the architectural works related to the envelope of the powerhouse building.

• Construction of the gated spillway including the upstream and downstream permanent bridges and downstream temporary bridge over the gated spillway.

• Construction of the centre and north transition dams.

• Construction of the Powerhouse/Intake cofferdam (separation wall), inclusive of temporary road and temporary upstream bridge.

• Civil works related to permanent access roads to the powerhouse and to the spillway.

• The fabrication of the conventional vibrated concrete (CVC) This includes the mobilization, installation, operation and dismantlement of the batch plant(s), the fabrication of the aggregates for concrete from blasted rock stockpile and from sand gravel borrows areas, the supply and storage of Portland cement for the fabrication of concrete including Fly Ash and additives, the production of concrete at the batching plant and the quality control at the batch plant and at the pour location.

• Supply and installation of the spillway electrical building (structure only).

• Estimated major quantities: 450,000m3 CVC; 3,700 Tons structural steel.

All questions with respect to this invitation to prequalify should be forwarded to :

Ron Adamcyk
Senior Contract Administrator
SNC-Lavalin Inc.

With a copy to:

Ed Over
Procurement Manager
SNC-Lavalin Inc.