Press TV cited National Iranian Gas Export Company (NIGEC) head Alireza Kameli as saying that the country plans to resume the LNG schemes in the near future, to enable exports to Europe.

The country is planning to export 40 million metric tons of LNG annually, with focus on European market, which is experiencing high demand for alternative gas sources amid tensions with Russia.

Strict economic sanctions imposed by the US and European countries had prompted Iran to abandon construction of three LNG facilities in 2010, after signing contracts with energy giants Royal Dutch Shell, Repsol and Total.

However, despite withdrawal by its Chinese partner, the country has been moving ahead with the constructing the Iran LNG project with an investment of $3.3bn to produce 10.5 million tons of liquefied gas per annually.

"We are waiting for the removal of sanctions in order to import necessary equipment and structures for the project," Kameli added.

Iran is in talks with a LNG company for the construction of a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) plant.

"We are expecting to swiftly begin the studies and execution of this project after the sanctions are lifted and tap its capacity within 2.5-3 years when the country’s gas production peaks," Kameli noted.

According to Kameli, Asia, which currently has 60 LNG import terminals, is planning to build additional 40 terminals.

"This means the world, especially Asia, is preparing to meet a large part of its fuel needs from LNG and naturally Iran should prepare itself for this growth in demand," Kameli said.