In reply to an environmental evaluation of the plant, the minister expressed his dissent. This is the first instance where an environment minister is protesting against a project because of inadequate global warming countermeasures.

Toshihiro Nikai, Japan’s economy, trade and industry minister is likely to submit a suggestion corresponding to Saito’s opinion.

The environment minister’s opinion affirmed that nearly 0.8 kg of carbon dioxide would be released for each kWh produced, over two times the target established by The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan. He asserted that this would adversely impact Japan’s proposal to attain the greenhouse gas emissions objective set under the Kyoto Protocol and the long-term goal of decreasing emissions by 60% to 80% by 2050 as part of a low-carbon society action proposal sanctioned by the Cabinet in 2008.

Saito requested the ministry of economy, trade and industry to make the power industry swiftly devise a structure for decreasing carbon dioxide emissions, and to have upcoming coal-fired thermal power stations utilize the highest level of technology to decrease emissions as much as possible.

Saito said, I understand the need for coal-fired thermal power, but its use should be limited to what is truly necessary, such as replacing old, poor-performing facilities.