According to the company, this is the first well to appraise the Kathachari-1 (K-1) discovery and the well is located four kms north east and up-dip from K-1.
The well, being drilled by Quippo Oil & Gas Infrastructure, will be deviated by 650m to the south west.
S-1 will be drilled to a total depth of 3,100m true vertical depth subsea, and will test the Middle Bhuban sands encountered in the K-1 well, one zone of which had flowed 5.2mmscfd.
These sands are expected to be encountered about 800m up-dip of the K-1 sands, the company said.
The well is the first deviated well to be drilled by Jubilant and is the fourth well to be drilled on the Tripura block.