Petrol stations in the northern Kosovo-Metohija localities including Leposavic, north Kosovska Mitrovica and Zubin Potok, have been selling fuel at lower prices than in Serbia, with the price of fuel oil at RSD60 per liter while petrol trades at RSD65 per liter.

The news source reported that truck drivers and border area residents from Serbia are purchasing fuel in Kosovo, where fuel prices are lower compared to Serbia. Consumers are reportedly saving between RSD1,500 and RSD5,000 on a full tank of gasoline.

Fuel trafficking is reported to be taking place in private places like garages and cellars. Here, fuel oil is priced at RSD80 and petrol is priced between RSD85 and RSD95. Prices are known to vary depending on the demand-supply equation. Fuels are being illegally transported from Kosovo to Serbia by way of channels across Mt Rogozina and Lake Gazivode, according to BBC.

Fuel supplied to the northern parts of Kosovo comes from Serbian oil refineries. Kosovan fuel traders do not pay excise duty and in 90% cases do not pay VAT either, helping fuel prices remain half the Serbian rates.