Krasny Kotelshchik received a contract from TGK-5 in May 2012, for design, production and delivery of five PVD-550 type HP heaters with fast-acting protection system, within the framework of implementation of priority investment project for Kirovskaya CHPP-4 upgrade.

Additionally, the company manufactured and supplied a a set of spare parts for equipment erection at start-up facilities Nos. 1 and 2 of Kirovskaya CHPP-4 at the customer’s request.

Manufactured in series, the HP heaters have already proven to be reliable and powerful equipment, according to the company.

The upgrade is scheduled to increase Kirovskaya CHPP-4’s capacity from 320MW to 345MW, thereby enabling reduction of the electrical power deficiency of Kirovskaya energy system and improving reliability of consumers’ power supply.