The current core-drilling program is designed to define geologic controls of the four new veins in the western to central parts of the east-west trending shear zone.

Core holes are planned on north-south fences spaced 40m apart where the holes will test mineral extensions to a vertical depth of about 150m.

Seven additional Uyowa geochemical and geophysical targets that have been selected for reconnaissance rotary air blast drilling.

One of these targets include the extension of the shear-hosted gold mineralisation along 7.5km of strike with particular attention to where the shear zone is crossed by NW-SE trending fracture zones.

For the analytical work, drill samples have been subjected to full sample preparation followed by a 50-gram fire assay with an AA finish.

Samples submitted either represent 5m composite samples of 1m intervals or 1m samples where on site logging and panning of the RC chips indicated the presence of visible gold or gold-bearing sulphides

Lake Victoria Mining Company is working to create another gold mine in Tanzania’s Lake Victoria Greenstone Belt.