The installation of Landis+Gyr’s Gridstream network will enable Nashville Electric Service to meet demand response requirements from power supplier Tennessee Valley Authority.

The network will also provide high-speed advanced metering and distribution automation communications throughout the utility’s service territory.

Nashville Electric Service plans to deploy Gridstream network infrastructure across its entire service territory as part of the initial deployment phase.

This will include the strategic installation of 30,000 advanced meters and 3,000 to 4,000 load control units within the next couple of years.

The utility will be able to monitor voltage at the meter to help manage the system voltage, in addition to voluntary customer participation in a two-way direct load control pilot during peak demand periods.

Once the umbrella communications network is in place, the utility will be able to strategically deploy Gridstream-equipped meters to its remaining consumers as business needs dictate, Landis+Gyr said.

During 2012, Nashville Electric Service also plans to begin automating control of distribution system equipment, such as capacitor banks, to improve power quality and efficiency.