The new Pharox 6W has up to 300 lumen light output and absence of mercury with strong consumer appeal.

Based on a new technology, the new Pharox 6W is up to 90% more energy efficient than an incandescent and lasts up to 25 times longer. The new Pharox 6W lasts up to six times longer than a CFL making it the most cost efficient light technology in the market today.

Our goal is to provide quality LED lighting solutions to decrease our carbon footprint. If every American household switched one 60W light bulb to a Pharox light, America would save $1.5 billion in electricity costs and 9 billion kilowatt hours per year, stated Warner Philips, founder, Lemnis Lighting. Cost and energy reductions like these are pivotal in developing sustainable solutions.

The illumination market, currently dominated by incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent lamps and halogen lighting, will be revolutionized through the use of white LED, stated Steven Nia, chairman and chief executive officer, Digital Light. White LED requires less than 10% of the energy, as compared to traditional lighting and lasts 10 times longer. The Pharox 6W is a tremendous step forward in the advancement of LED lighting.

Lemnis Lighting is a Netherlands-based provider of LED lighting innovations.

Digital Light is a US-based supplier of LED lighting.