These mineral rights consist of standard unpatented Federal Lode mining claims and Arizona state prospecting permits (leases).

The mineral rights cover a large multimodal anomaly over a large covered porphyry copper mineral center in Cochise County.

According to the company, the multimodal anomalies cover the acquired land and include a large aerial magnetic high exactly superimposed over a geochemical anomaly system consisting of a copper high over the magnetic high surrounded by distal low temperature metal anomalies, including gold.

The objective of this land acquisition is to allow further testing and exploration of the subsurface by diamond core drilling, the company said.

Liberty Star chief geologist and CEO James Briscoe said the wealth potential of the Tombstone area has been reignited by the continuing strength of copper, gold moly and silver prices.

"These are major targets in large alteration zones hidden from view but amenable to discovery by advanced methodologies," Briscoe said.