Lithuania is planning to construct a plant by 2018-2020, but wanted a private strategic investor to finance most of the project.

As per an agreement with the European Union, Lithuania must close its Ignalina power plant by the end of 2009. The plant supplies 70% of Lithuania’s electricity.

“We have started a procedure to call a tender to choose an international investor for building the plant. The tender is to be announced in December,” said Andrius Kubiliu, prime minister Lithuania.

Lithuania government will approve the final tender conditions by April 2010, and will accept non-binding bids in the first three months.

According to Sekmokas, the government had not indicated the capacity of the new plant saying that should be established in negotiations with potential investors. Sekmokas said utility companies like E.ON AG, Electricite de France SA, Iberdrola SA, RWE AG, Fortum and Vatenfall AB were expected to take part in the tender.