The diamonds came from Lulo Diamond Concession in Angola, and consisted of 1,450.16 carats with average sale price of A$544/carat.

The company said that of the third parcel of Lulo diamonds was conducted by Angolan Government diamond marketing agency SODIAM in Luanda, Angola.

Lucapa highlighted that the latest parcel only had few large premium-value special diamonds.

The company also announced that its next parcel consisting of more than 1,000 carats of Lulo diamonds and 63.05 carat Type IIa diamond is likely to be sold this May.

The package will consist of production from February and March 2015 and most of the production from the month of April 2015.

Lucapa Chief Executive Stephen Wetherall said: "The confirmation we have now received that the 63 carat Type IIa diamond is in fact D-colour means we have now recovered five large exceptional white diamonds from our combined bulk sampling and production programs from less than 35,000 bulk cubic metres processed."