The prospecting license areas, Block A and Block E, are said to host known diamondiferous kimberlites.

The 1.07km² BK2 license is located around 30km to the east of Lucara’s Karowe diamond mine with a surface area of 2.4ha, and is exposed at surface in a series of narrow trenches.

Lucara plans to carry out a site assessment, and identify areas for the extraction of large volumes of kimberlite for diamond content and analyze size distribution.

Located immediately to the south and east of Debswana’s Orapa mine lease, Block E is 55.4km² area hosting four known kimberlite occurrences, AK11, 12, 13, and 14.

Lucara Diamond CEO William Lamb said: "Lucara is extremely pleased to be granted these licenses and looks forward to working toward expanding our resource base.

"The Orapa kimberlite field is a world class location for diamond deposits and the opportunity to further evaluate known kimberlites within this region and provides the opportunity to apply knowledge gained from the Karowe mine to other pipes in the same region."