ELOU AVT-1 is the largest installation among those active at the Volgograd refinery. Its capacity is 6 million tons of oil per year. Unlike other atmospheric vacuum pipe heaters, ELOU AVT-1 is equipped with stabilizing and secondary distillation of gasoline sectors that allow for immediate obtainment of LPG- and high octane gasoline components. The unit has a modern control system and fully complies with the Russian safety legislation.

Vagit Alekperov, President, OAO "LUKOIL": "The construction of the new installation was carried out in accordance with the program of modernization of OAO "LUKOIL"’s refining capacities. The installation was put into operation as part of the large-scale program of modernization of refining capacities that is being implemented by the company. The launch of ELOU AVT-1 will increase the efficiency of oil refining and the capacity of the Volgograd refinery to 14.5 million tons of oil per year."