
Lukoil Overseas Atash, a subsidiary of Lukoil, has carried out the exploration since 2011 on the EX-30 block, following the concession agreement signed with the Romanian Government.

Lukoil operated the block with 72% stake while Romgaz and PanAtlantic Petroleum own 10% and 18% interest respectively.

Located in the water depth ranging from 300 to 1,200m, the block covers an area of 1,006 km2.

The partners used the semi-submersible drilling rig TransOcean Development Driller II to drill the Lira-1X well to a depth of 2,700m.

The well, which is located about 170km from the coast at a depth of about 700m, has now been abandoned temporarily in a bid to further asses the Lira gas discovery.

The preliminary analysis results of drilling data and geophysical exploration revealed that the productive interval with 46m gas-saturated thickness has been delivered by the well.

Based on seismic data, Romgaz estimates the gas field area could reach up to 39km2 and gas reserves could exceed 30 billion cubic meters (bcm).

Upon completion of successful gas reserves evaluation drilling, the company expects the Lira-1X well to reduce the further exploration risk on a series of prospective sites, located both close to the Lira structure and in other parts of the block.

Romgaz Director General Virgil Marius Metea said: "For Romgaz, this partnership for exploring a Black Sea block represents a new direction to develop the company’s business and its portfolio of resources.

"We are open to new challenges in the field of off-shore works and happy to work with highly experienced business partners."

In 2016, the partners plan to drill an exploration well at the Lira and the reprocess seismic data to assess the discovery size and define assessment of the potential hydrocarbon reserves.

Image: Lukoil and partners estimate the newly discovered gas field could have 30 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas reserves. Photo: courtesy of LUKOIL oil company.