The Boni-1well reached the total depth at 2,214m below mean sea level in the granitic basement, according to the company.

Boni well encountered the targeted Oligocene Lower Gabus formation sandstone in well-developed reservoirs, as per the preliminary analysis of LWD logs, while no hydrocarbon were traced out during the process.

In conjunction with Balqis-1, the Boni-1 side-track will be permanently plugged and abandoned, noted Lundin.

Lundin Baronang, a subsidiary of Lundin Petroleum is the operator of Baronang PSC with 85% stake, while Nido Petroleum owns the remaining 15% stake.

In Indonesia, Lundin operates in five PSCs, which include Baronang, Cakalang, Gurita, South Sokang and Cendrawasih VII.

Lundin, which holds around proven and probable reserves of 194 million barrels of oil equivalent, has assets in Europe and South East Asia.