This well is the first exploration well in the production license 438 and was drilled to a vertical depth of about 2,600m below sea level.

The well is situated approximately 25 kms north of the Snohvit Field in the south western part of the Barents Sea.

According to the company, a comprehensive logging and coring program has been acquired.

The primary target for the well was to prove hydrocarbons in reservoir rocks from both the Cretaceous and the Jurassic age, and gas was proven in three separate zones.

The initial gross contingent resource range for the Skalle discovery is estimated at between 88 to 280 billion cubic feet (15 to 50 million barrels of oil equivalent).

There is a potential for a deeper oil leg in the lower Cretaceous reservoir of Skalle and an upside potential in Skalle substructures, the company said.