
The company plans to start production in accordance with the plan for development and operation (PDO) by the end of this year.

Located on the Utsira High, about 35km south of the Grane and Balder fields, the Edvard Grieg field is developed with a stand-alone processing platform on a steel-jacket structure and with an investment of $4bn.

The oil produced from the Edvard Grieg will be transported to the Grane oil pipeline and on to the Sture Terminal north of Bergen.

Whereas the gas will be transported through an Utsira High gas pipeline (UHGP), which will be tied-in to the transport system on the UK side (SAGE).

Recently, the NPD has approved the start-up of the Statoil-operated Edvard Grieg oil pipeline, and the UHGP.

According to NPD, the pipelines will become part of the Edvard Grieg, as well as Ivar Aasen fields’ development on the Utsira High in the North Sea.

The Edvard Grieg field is planned to be put in place towards the end of this year, whereas the start-up of Ivar Aasen, which will use both pipeline systems, is slated for 2016.

Lundin Petroleum operates the PL338 with a 50% interest while Wintershall Norge and RWE Dea Norge own 30% and 20% respectively.

Estimated to hold about 186 million barrels of oil equivalent, the field lies at a water depth of 354ft and is expected to have gross peak production of approximately 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.

Image: The Edvard Grieg field will be put in place towards the end of this year. Photo: courtesy of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.