The primary objective of the well was to prove petroleum in Upper Paleocene reservoir rocks (Hermod formation). Secondary exploration target was to prove petroleum in Upper Eocene reservoir rocks. The well is dry. The primary target was encountered reservoir rocks of the expected thickness and of very good reservoir quality. The secondary objective was encountered as expected reservoir rocks from the small thickness and poor reservoir quality.

The well is the first exploration well in PL 363. The license was awarded on January 6, 2006 (APA 2005). The well was drilled to a vertical depth of 2,446 meters below sea level and was completed in the Lista formation in the Upper Paleocene. The water depth is 118 meters. The well will now be permanently plugged and abandoned.

Well 25/5-6 was drilled by the drilling facility Transocean Winner, which will now proceed to PL 338 in the central part of the North Sea where Lundin will reopen wildcat well 16/1-8 to perform formation test.