The Dordives 1-D exploration well was drilled to a depth of 1,863m and encountered oil in the limestone Dogger reservoir of Jurassic age. An extensive program of cores and wireline logs has confirmed the oil discovery.

In the next three to four weeks a workover rig will be brought to the Dordives 1-D location to test the discovery following which, if successful, the well will be put on long term production test. Production will be trucked and sold to a local refinery along with all of Lundin’s current Paris Basin production.

Lundin Petroleum currently produces in excess of 3,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day from its Paris Basin operations. Lundin Petroleum has a 65% working interest in Ferrieres exploration license and is the operator.

Alex Schneiter, COO of Lundin Petroleum, said: Our Paris Basin operations are performing extremely well and it is excellent news that we have had further exploration success in the area. We will be able to bring the well into production within weeks in tandem with a likely forward program to fully appraise the extent of this new field.