Lynden is expected to drill, on average, one new Wolfberry well per month in 2011, and has scheduled seven new wells to spud by the end of May.

The new wells were drilled in the Mississippian formation, and were completed in the typical Wolfberry formations of Spraberry and Wolfcamp, as well as in the deeper Strawn, Atoka and Mississippian limestone and shale formations.

Meanwhile, at the Mitchell Ranch project in the Permian Basin, two wells have been drilled so far – the Spade 14 #1 well, located approximately four miles north-west of the Jameson field, and the Spade 17 #1, located approximately 14 miles west of the Spade 14 #1.

The fluid level in the Spade 17 #1 has recently dropped significantly and the well has been consistently producing oil and gas at rates that exceed the economic threshold for wells of this depth.

Limited quantities of oil and gas have been observed to date in the Spade 14 #1 and a zone at the bottom of the hole that is productive in nearby wells will be tested in approximately two weeks.