On an adjustable rate choke with 4,300 psi FCP, the company has tested a peak rate of 32.5mmcf of natural gas per day from the well.
The company said that the well is still producing good amounts of frac water at a current rate of 1,400 Bbls/d.
With a 5,050 foot horizontal lateral, and successfully fraced with 20 stages, the Stalder #3UH well was drilled and cased to a vertical depth of 10,653ft.
Magnum Hunter board chairman and CEO Gary Evans said the well’s production is almost pure methane and therefore there is no need for processing, making it pipeline quality product.
"Our first well on the Stalder Pad is the most eastern well and one of the most southern wells drilled to-date in the entire Utica Play of Ohio," Evans added.
Magnum wholly-owned subsidiary Triad Hunter is the operator of the well with a 47% working interest, while other non-operated partners include Eclipse Resources, Statoil and Northwood Energy.