The company said it began drilling the well in the Lapeyrouse Field in February 2010, and the well was production tested and placed on production in April 2010. An independent testing firm conducted flow tests on the initial well.

The well identified 11 different pay zones, at least three of which had never been produced in the Lapeyrouse Field, along with other zones new to this fault block. Additional shallow potential was identified warranting further evaluation.

The well was drilled as a re-entry of a P&A’d well and was drilled directionally in order to develop attic oil reserves and to test additional deeper and shallower sands on the upthrown side of a major fault. The geology was based on both production history and 3-D seismic, the company said.

The results verify production of approximately 98 barrels of oil per day and 80,000 cubic feet of gas per day on a 11/64” choke with flowing tubing pressure of 600 pounds per square inch and shut-in bottom hole pressure of 3,380 pounds per square inch from perforations 8,010 to 8,012ft measured depth.