The well encountered oil in seven-meter-thick sandstones in the Hermod formation. Preliminary estimates of the size of the discovery are between 0.5 and 1.5 million standard cubic meters (Sm3) of recoverable oil. No formation tests were carried out in the well, but data acquisition and sampling took place. The licensees will evaluate the discovery to consider whether it can be produced to the production ship on the Alvheim field.

Well 25/4-10 S is the sixth exploration well in PL 203. The license was awarded in the 15th licensing round in 1996. 25/4-10 S was drilled to a vertical depth of 2196 meters below the sea surface, and was terminated in Paleocene rocks (the Heimdal formation). The water depth at the site is 126 meters. The well will be permanently plugged and abandoned.

The well was drilled by the drilling facility Transocean Winner, which will now proceed to drill wildcat well 25/4-10 A in the same PL.

Partners in the PL 203 are Lundin Norway AS with 15%, ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS with 20% and Marathon Petroleum (operator) with 65% stake.