According to the Finnish Mining Authority ("TUKES"), the current claim conditions permit the use of a hand-portable core sampler at Rajapalot within Natura 2000 biodiversity areas. This technique was used earlier this year during the discovery of the Palokas prospect where core sample results included 19.5 metres @ 7.4 g/t gold from 1.3 metres depth. The Company is currently completing a research plan to submit to the Environmental Administrator ("ELY"), and should that plan be accepted, it is envisaged that core sampling will recommence in mid to late August.

The Company has also been advised that one administrative appeal by a non-governmental organization was filed against the decision made by TUKES to grant large drill rig access during winter new exploration permit over the Rajapalot area. Finnish Law allows an affected party to appeal any government authority decision. A standard review process by the regional administrative court is now underway to assess the validity of the appeal. A full review can take up to 10 months, however, the Company is looking to negotiate a faster settlement to enable larger rig access during the 2014/15 winter program.

Mr Hudson states, "As the permitting process nears its completion at Rajapalot, we look forward to core sampling again south of Palokas, subject to approval of a work plan, and understand the responsibility granted to us by both the existing and new exploration claim decisions. Having completed three years of flora and water base line studies and environmental impact assessments, we look forward to continuing to work closely with both the mining and environmental authorities over the coming years to ensure our work is conducted according to sustainable and global best practice methods."