About 3,000 public fleet vehicles and 6,700 commercial trucks throughout India participating in ECCO carbon offset program will use ECCO2 and ECO Systems patent technology on each vehicle within the fleets.

Through this project the company hopes to help the participating vehicle fleet owners offset over 1 million metric tonnes of carbon emissions from fleet vehicles over the next 10 years, and create hundreds of job opportunities within India.

Peter Carr, CEO of Maximumm Green, said: “India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and growing Indian businesses need a product that can help them meet national and international carbon reduction targets. ECCO2 is probably the best solution to meet their needs.”

Cary Peterson, president of Fuel Concepts, said: “Ten thousand fleet vehicles are an excellent start since a week when we had introduced the ECCO2 Program to India. Joshi and Partap Transport are just a few of several other India-based fleet agencies to join ECCO2. It will be exciting to see the results of the ECCO2 Program in India over the next 10 years.”