The productive Triassic reservoirs found in the BOR-1 discovery well are present and well developed in BOR-2, but were encountered structurally lower than expected, at or below their respective oil-water contacts, the company said.
As a result, the BOR-2 well will be completed as a water injection well to be used in the future development of the field. The Sun Drilling ZJ-30 rig will now move to the KZI-1 exploration well on the Kyzylzhar 1 Prospect in Block E, followed by a second appraisal well in the Borkyldakty Field.
Max Petroleum operates in the pre-Caspian Basin in Western Kazakhstan. According to the company, its strategy is to apply new, exploratory 3D seismic technology to the proven, highly prolific pre-Caspian Basin to develop a high quality portfolio of drillable pre-salt and post-salt exploration prospects.