Ore grading an average of 245 g/t Ag is now being processed. The ore being run through the mill is being sourced from the 35,000 tonnes of mineralized rocks that were transferred to storage areas adjoining the plant from the existing 66,000 tonnes of "ancient stockpiles". The size of this stockpile can sustain over six months of production at the initial rate of approximately 200 tpd. Silver recovery is expected to be in the range of 92%. The Company is not basing its production decision on a feasibility study of mineral reserves demonstrating economic and technical viability.

"The mill start-up at Zgounder is a significant key milestone in the successful development of Maya as an operating resource company, and we recognize and thank our President, Noureddine Mokaddem, and the local and Moroccan Government offices who have just provided the Company with a very precious tool in a difficult period of the mining industry: a stable and upwardly potential cash flow stream", stated Guy Goulet, Chief Executive Officer.