The other targets endorsed by the Parliament include 35% improvement in energy efficiency, and a 12% share of energy from renewable sources in transport, by 2030.

WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson said: “Good on the Parliament. 35% makes sense economically. Consumers benefit – wind is now the cheapest form of new power generation in Europe.

"And wind is a key part of European manufacturing and exports – it supports 263,000 jobs in Europe industry and contributes €36bn to EU GDP. A 27% target puts all that at risk. And 27% carries a major opportunity cost.”

To achieve the overall targets, EU member states have been asked to set their own national targets, which will be monitored and achieved in line with a draft law on the governance of the Energy Union.  

Apart from backing renewables, the MEPs have also given their nod for a proposal banning palm oil in biofuels from 2021.  

MEPs also said that 90% of fuel stations along the roads of the Trans-European Networks should be equipped with high power recharging points for electric vehicles by 2022.

To avoid encouraging the unsustainable use of biomass for energy production, the lawmakers also want support schemes for renewable energy from biomass to be designed.

The EU statement said: "if there are better industrial or material uses, as carbon captured in wood would be released if it were burned for heating. For energy generation, priority should therefore be given to burning wood wastes and residues."

MEPs noted that each member state must notify an integrated national energy and climate plan to the EU Commission to deliver on Energy Union aims, by 1 January 2019 and every ten years thereafter. 

Image: MEPs have also given their nod for a proposal banning palm oil in biofuels from 2021. Photo: Courtesy of cristina miguel/