The program covered 21 diamond drill holes for 2704.75m of core. Significant graphite mineralization has been intersected in majority of drill holes in three areas, including southern, northern and central prospects.
Mitchell Drilling Services and Agua Terra have managed the drilling activities.
The southern zone yielded a mineralized zone of 40m over a strike length of 800m, which remains open to the north and south.
Follow up drilling will be carried out on multiple prospective areas this year, to target oxide components of the shallow graphite mineralization within the project area.
A total of 409 core samples have been sent for analysis so far and the assay results are expected to be received in early February.
Bureau Veritas Minerals is the primary analytical laboratory for the drilling program.
Metals of Africa plans to complete logging and geological interpretation of the remaining drillholes and so far 50% of the drillholes from MN0001D to MN0012DM have been geologically logged. Priority drillholes include MN0016D, MN0019D MN0020D ¸ MN0021D.