The scope of the contract includes a complete power plant, patented BioGrate combustion technology, installation, training and commissioning. Once operational in winter 2015, the plant will have a thermal output of 17.2MWth, a process steam output of 4MWth and an electrical output of 3.8MWe.
Metso will also supply DNA technology for the plant automation as well as a flue gas condenser and a ventilation system. The plant will use local forest residues such as bark and wood chips as fuel to generate energy.
The company included the main part of the order in its Pulp, Paper and Power third quarter of 2013 orders, while the automation system is included in Automation’s third quarter 2013 orders.
Metso power business line sales director Mikael Barkar said that Metso and Oskarshamn Energi have been working together for several years to develop an optimal solution for district heating and the plant’s thermal output will help meet increasing demand for district heating in the municipality of Oskarshamn.
"We are very satisfied that Oskarshamn Energi showed confidence in us and in our modularized power plant solution. We are very proud to be chosen as supplier of this plant, of which the Oskarshamn region will benefit for a long time," added Barkar.