Another milestone has been reached at Atlantis Resource’ MeyGen tidal energy project in the Pentland Firth, Scotland with Phase 1A of the project having exported 1GWh of generation to the grid.

“We continue to see the vast potential of the world’s largest tidal power array realized,” commented Tim Cornelius, CEO. “It’s extremely rewarding for all those involved to see the fruits of our collective passion and labour continuing to deliver.”

The first phase of the MeyGen project involves the deployment of four 1.5MW turbines installed on gravity turbine support structures as part of MeyGen’s “deploy and monitor strategy”, and will act as a precursor to the development of the remaining consented 86MW project.

Each turbine is located on an individual foundation weighing between 250 and 350 tonnes, coupled with 6 ballast blocks weighing 1,200 tonnes that provide horizontal stability over the lifetime of the turbine. Each turbine has a dedicated subsea array cable laid directly on the seabed and brought ashore via a horizontal directionally drilled borehole within the foreshore bedrock.